St Joseph's Catch Up

Year 11 parents, carers and students were welcomed at our Sixth Form Information Evening this week. We are very proud of our large, academic Sixth Form, helping us achieve EXCELLENT in the Estyn report.
We were delighted last Wednesday to welcome Year 11 parents, carers and students to our Sixth Form Information Evening. We are very proud of our large academic Sixth Form that played a significant part in the school being recognised as “Excellent” in our recent Estyn report. Please look under Sixth Form Downloads on our school website for a copy of Mr Ryan’s presentation.
This week will be a particularly important week for Year 10 students as on Wednesday they will be joining their parents and carers at their Parents Evening. We are very pleased by the way Year 10 have started their examination courses and this evening will be a great opportunity to celebrate their successes and discuss further ways they can develop their skills and understanding.
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