School Blog

After a very busy week of fundraising and charity events involving both staff and students we look forward to a week of reflection for Advent. Please join us for our Advent Service on Wednesday 18th December at 7pm.
The season of Advent brings us the magnificent vision of life and hope for the future given to us by Christ. Advent is our time to become more involved, more caught up in the meaning and the possibilities of life as a Christian community. Thus we are preparing not only for Christmas but also for Christ’s Second Coming.
This means that when he comes again, we will be awake and watchful. He will not find us asleep.
Please join us in our Advent prayer.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God,
King of the Universe
You sent your Son to be the Light of the World and to spread his light of love to all.
May the growing brightness of the Advent wreath remind us of the approaching nearness of your Son
so that the day of His coming may find us prepared and filled with joy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.