Advent Service and Christmas Celebration

This week we have enjoyed the Advent Service led by Mrs K Burke, reminding us of the importance of this special time of year. The season of waiting and preparing for Christ's coming
We have thoroughly enjoyed the time for relection and celebration Advent has allowed us throughout December this year.
This week we have enjoyed the Advent Service led by Mrs K Burke, reminding us of the importance of this special time of year. The season of waiting and preparing for Christ's coming. The students helped us reflect through song, dance, beautiful readings and the lighting of four special Advent candles.
"Behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, they shall call his name Emmanuel, which interpreted is God with us" (Matthew 1:23)
The Advent Service was followed by an amazing Christmas Celebration led by Mr B Fitzgerald and Miss B Morgan. Showcasing many impressive talents from our students such as the school orchestra, school choir and individual musicians, singers and dancers. They entertained us with music and songs from steel drums to piano recitals, a 30 piece choir to wonderful soloists.
A magnificent evening of reflection and celebration.
We hope you enjoy this season of joy and a very merry Christmas from us all at St Jospeh's RC HIgh School.